



Ø  比賽日期:

20181012(星期五) 9:30~18:00 (若參賽組數過多無法一天比完,部分賽程將於1011日下午舉行)

Ø  比賽地點:713教室

Ø  參賽資格:以國語中心學員(不包括僑生)為優先,若報名隊數未達4隊,將開放師大外籍生報名參加。

Ø  報名日期: 即日起-928(星期五),請至601辦公室報名

Ø  比賽型式:

1.     分三個程度組別:初級組、中級組和中高級組。

2.     3個學生一隊的團體競賽,各組分兩個場次(初賽、決賽)進行比賽。

3.     競賽內容:包含符合各級中文的生詞、發音、生活、文化等相關中文知識。以搶答方式回答題目或寫出答案。最後依總績分數決定名次。積分會依題目難易度而有不同。若總績分數相同則進行PK賽。

4.     每組比賽以12隊為參賽上限。不滿4隊恕不辦理該組比賽。




Ø  獎勵: 分初級、中級和中高級三組比賽,各組獎金如下:




Ø  備註:

1.         報名時請繳交保證金NT300元,保證金將於全部賽程結束後退回,報名卻未參加活動恕不退還。

2.         任何一場次未參加即表示放棄參賽資格。

3.         以上所得獎金將依照外國人所得辦法依法扣繳20%所得稅。

4.         參加比賽的同學可以登錄語言輔助課時數2小時,歡迎所有學員參賽。

5.         觀賽同學每場可登錄1小時語言輔助課時數,歡迎所有同學為參賽者加油。

6.         為了比賽公平性,曾參加2017年本項比賽榮獲前二名者,不再受理報名參加。





2018 My Chinese at Its Best

Ø  Date: October 12th, 2018(Friday) 9:30-18:00 PM (If there are too many team entries, we will move the preliminary competition to October 11th.)

Ø  Location: R713

Ø  Qualification: MTC students (excluding overseas Chinese students) are priority applicants. If there are less than 4 teams that are formed from MTC students, we will open up the competition to NTNU foreign student applicants who are also interested in signing up.

Ø  Registration Deadline: now September 28th. Please sign up in R601.

Ø  Competition Formats:

1.    Three Proficiency levels:  Beginner,  Intermediate,  Advance

2.     Team competition (a team of 3 players.) Two rounds of competition (Qualifying Rounds and Finals).

3.     Contest questions for beginner, intermediate, or advance levels will include vocabulary, pronunciation, culture, and other related subjects. The team who rings the bell first and answers the question first will be given a point. The team with the highest score wins. Each question is worth different points based on its difficulty.   If there is a tie between teams, the competition will enter a "sudden death" tie breaker round.

4.     Maximum of 12 teams for each level. If less than 4 teams enter in one level, the level’s competition would not be held.

If 4~6 teams enter the competition, only one round of competition will be held. Top 2 teams win the competition.

If 7-12 teams enter the competition, top 6 teams in the Qualifying Round are moved on to the Finals. Top 3 teams in the Finals win the competition.

Competition schedule and number of teams qualifying for the Finals may be adjusted at the discretion of the host of the competitions.

Ø  Prizes:

    Prizes for Winning Teams at Beginner, Intermediate or Advance Level :

      1st Place: 4,000 NTD and an award certificate

      2nd Place: 3,000 NTD and an award certificate

      3rd Place: 2,000 NTD and an award certificate



1.        Deposit: NT$300 (will be returned upon attending)

2.        Participants failing to attend any round of the competitions will be eliminated.

3.  The cash prizes listed above will be taxed 20%according to tax regulations for foreigners in Taiwan

4.        2 hour’ supplementary hours are given to students who enter the contests. All MTC students are welcome to join.

5.        1 hours’ supplementary hours are given to students who watch the competition. Welcome to cheer for the contestants.

6.        In order to encourage new students to compete, the 1st and 2nd place winners of the 2017 "My Chinese at Its Best" Competition cannot enter the game.
