
- 持有研習中文的居留證
Holding an Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) for studying Chinese - 連續就讀語言中心滿六個月
Study in the language center continuously for six months - 前一學季單一月份缺課不得超過12小時或成績不得低於60分
Absence hours in a single month of the previous semesters shall not exceed 12 hours or the score shall not be lower than 60 points

應備文件(請掃描成PDF檔案) Required documents (Scan as PDF file)
- 護照 Passport
- 學生證 Student card
- 居留證 ARC
- 在學證明書 Certificate of enrollment
- 學生學習成績記錄單 Attendance record
- 郵局劃撥收據 Post office payment receipt

Online application: Work Permit Application Network for Foreign Professionals https://ezwp.wda.gov.tw/wcfonline/wSite/Control?function=IndexPage
申請流程 Application process
- 請自行上“外國專業人員工作許可申辦網”申請。系統操作及內容填寫請務必參照附檔
Please go to the "Foreign Professional Work Permit Application Website" to apply.
Please refer to the attached file for system operation and content filling - 填寫完畢後請填寫google form 並上傳劃撥收據
After filling out, please fill in the google form and upload the payment receipt Google form: https://forms.gle/n8m3A4R8kcZH7FgbA - 學校審核為七個工作日
Seven working days for school review - 等待學校收到工作證後電郵通知
Wait for the email notification after the school receives the work permit - 到MTC辦公室領取
Pick up at the MTC office
For the relevant regulations on the work permit of the Ministry of Labor, please refer to:
中文: https://ezworktaiwan.wda.gov.tw/cp.aspx?n=99329239A3FBA2BB&s=48B2FF1146C9D16D
英文: https://ezworktaiwan.wda.gov.tw/en/cp.aspx?n=826B2B8EDB213BC4